"My belief is that every individual deserves equitable representation, extending beyond localized communities to encompass the entirety of Minnesota. This belief guides my endeavors, all of which are dedicated to fostering a society that is both inclusive and interconnected. My approach goes far beyond superficial engagement on social media platforms. I've immersed myself in the fabric of Minnesotan communities, engaging directly with the people and their diverse needs. My goal is not simply to create space at Minnesota's table but rather to ensure that this table is collaboratively constructed by all of us for the benefit of all, embodying the genuine essence of our community."

— Ariana Velishek

Non-Profits I Currently Work With

The Arc Minnesota

Including and supporting people who have disabilities

The Arc Minnesota promotes and protects the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. People with disabilities and their families trust The Arc for information, assistance, education, and public policy leadership.

Neighborhood House

Neighborhood House has been and continues to be a welcoming presence for thousands of refugees, immigrants and others in transition or crisis. Our organization has become a full-service hub for those seeking assistance with basic needs, from food to housing, as well as helping create future opportunities through family coaching and education programming.

Hands On: Twin Cities

To actively acknowledge systemic imbalances, we work to ensure that individuals have the opportunities, resources, and support that suit their unique circumstances. We are constantly striving to create an environment where everyone is a valued, respected, integral part of the whole. We make space for varied lived experiences and want people to feel comfortable and confident to be themselves. We are committed to understanding and engaging with difference in all of its many forms. 

Best Buddies Minnesota

Best Buddies continues to make great strides to positively impact the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Download the Annual Report to learn more about the progress made and what’s to come for the organization.

Girls Run Global

Girls Run Global is an organization determined to break down the barriers that continue to limit girls and women globally. Through running, we aim to empower girls to chase big dreams, while reaping the many benefits of the sport — all of which positively translate into areas of life beyond athletics. We work to create a world in which gender is no barrier to success, and girls have the tools to change their lives, communities, and world as a whole for the better.

Bridging Minnesota

Bridging empowers people to thrive in their homes by providing quality furniture and household goods for those pursuing housing stability. More than 4,600 households are served per year; more than 40% of the individuals we serve are children under 17 years of age. Nearly 80% of clients have a household annual income of less than $20,000 per year. (Based on 2022 statistics.)

Minnesota HOSA

HOSA is in International student-led organization recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Department of Health and Human Services. HOSA – Future Health Professionals is an organization that students in Middle School, High School, or College can join to gain volunteer and leadership opportunities, compete and earn recognition for their achievements, and learn if a career in healthcare is right for them!