Let’s S.E.E to Revisioning the Coversation

About Diversity

Supporting, Elevating, & Empowering One Another One Step at a Time!

Healthcare Worker, Advocate, Supporter, College Student, Inclusivity,

Healthcare Worker, Advocate, Supporter, College Student, Inclusivity,

Currently a Respiratory Therapy student at Saint Catherine University, it is my plan to graduate May of 2024 and become a registered Respiratory Therapist. It is my goal to not only be a patient advocate but an advocate for everyone to feel supported, elevated, and empowered to have conversations about diversity. Interacting with individuals from all different backgrounds and pushing the boundries about seeing one another for who they are inside and out. Conversations don’t need to be parylzing but should be empowering for everyong to feel welcome and included.

DEI committee member, abroad medical volunteer, community connector, & public speaker. I plan to create opportunities not for just myself but for others to be heard and have a seat at the table to contribute to the conversation.


As a Peruvian-American Woman, I understand the importance of diversity and inclusion in today’s world. It is with the goal to S.E.E. that individuals from all backgrounds pursue opportunities with the stepping stone of conversations of diversity. Believing everyone should have access to resources regardless of their circumstances or differences. Let’s make it happen.

Connect with Me

Share your thoughts and ideas with me. I value what others have to say and what I learn from other individuals. Let’s talk!